July 20, 2011

Pine Valley Camping

Zach had Monday off because it was the 4th of July. LONG WEEKEND YEA!!! So we decided to go camping. We LOVE camping. We had heard about Enterprise res. So we went to go check it out. We drove ALL the way out to Enterprise (which is like 1 1/2 away) and drove around the lake. It was horrible! it was desert all around, NO grass, Not really any trees, NO green! I hated it! We made an executive decision to go somewhere else and try and find a better campsite. It was risky because we could get somewhere and they would be full. But there was NO way that i was camping at Enterprise lake for 2 nights. So we left and went to Pine Valley. I was praying the whole time that there would be a campsite for us. We knew everywhere else around would be full, so if we didn't get a site at Pine Valley we would have to go home. We pulled up to the person at the opening of the park area and........ they had ONLY 2 campsites available. WOW! that was a close shot. We were so relieved. The camp sites there at Pine Valley are brand new. They are so NICE! We just relaxed for the 2 1/2 days. It was super nice! I caught a fish! Zach did not. (ha ha ha) Bear had a fun time. He LOVEs camping. he knows when we are packing up to go. He just LOVEs being outside. Camping is so much fun!

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